Regenerative Therapies

We are at the forefront of preventive medicine, with a team of researchers and physicians leading the way in anti-aging, detoxification and natural immunity. Our regenerative therapy courses restore balance and youth for long-term wellbeing.


Hailed as the “Fountain of Youth”, our star ingredient has been shown to silence genes that accelerate the aging process. It makes cells resistant to stress and boosts brain function for better mood and mental clarity. It helps repair damaged DNA, reduces inflammation and fatigue.


What are heavy metals ?

While some heavy metals are essential for health others (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Manganese, Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel Arsenic, Aluminium) have a negative effect and can even be fatal at high levels. Yet heavy metals regularly enter the body through the contaminated air we breathe, water we drink and food we eat.


Why test for them ?

Even at lower levels, heavy metal toxicity can lead to headaches, nausea and pain. And as time progresses and levels in the body accumulate, heavy metals can even cause cancer, dementia, nervous system damage and developmental risks in utero


How does the test work ?

A blood sample is screened at the VIVID lab for nine main heavy metals, as well as indicators of organ function. For those with high levels of toxicity, we recommend a course of EDTA chelation drips spread over a few weeks to completely detox the body.

DTA removes harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body by binding with them to facilitate their excretion through the kidneys into the urine. Chelating agents delivered via IV bypass the digestive system, ensuring 100% absorption for maximum effectiveness.

Designed to increase the oxygen level in your blood to boost your immune system and enhance anti-aging by oxygenating the tissues in the body. Ozone therapy has many benefits, including detox, improving circulation, cardiovascular health, and managing chronic fatigue and stress. The treatment involves drawing 150 – 200 ml of the patient’s blood, which is then infused with ozone.