Add-On Nutrients

Sometimes a mixed bag can be a good thing. Pick and choose your supplements to create a cocktail perfectly calibrated to meet your individual needs.

Vitamin C is vital to immune function, helping skin look radiant, and helping with iron absorption.

B6 is used for improving brain function, treating PMS, improving vision loss and reducing nausea.

Regular injections of B12 can boost energy levels and help with weight loss and mood regulation.

Zinc is important for fighting infections, healing injuries, creating DNA, immune function, metabolism and growth.

Being a very strong antioxidant, glutathione protects your body from cell-damaging free radicals.

Selenium is necessary for thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, reproduction and protection from infection.

NAC helps replenish glutathione, as well as helping with respiratory conditions, fertility and brain health.

Resveratrol has many health benefits, including protecting brain function and lowering blood pressure.

Vitamin D is key to a healthy immune with anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory qualities.