Hey there! We want to make sure you have the best experience at VIVID Phuket Mai Khao, and that’s why we’ve got this FAQs page to help answer any questions you might have. If you still need a little extra help or have some more burning questions, hit us up!

What is IV Drip?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t fulfill your daily nutritional requirements which are essential for optimal cell function. Intravenous drips are advantageous in delivering nutrients directly into your bloodstream for maximum absorption.

What is in an IV drip?

All our amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants occur naturally in the body, are tested by independent laboratories for safety and efficacy, and are sourced from accredited facilities only

Who formulates VIVID’s IV drips?

All formulations are supervised by our international board of physicians and pharmacologists who are at the forefront of their respective medical fields.

Which IV drip is best for me?

Drop by for a complimentary consultation with our medical staff, whether you are seeking improved health, performance or beauty.

What should I expect on my first visit?

We provide a warm welcome and relaxing environment, a recliner chair for you to read or doze in and alkaline water to refresh. IV drips take between 15 and 40 minutes.

When will I feel the effects?

Depending on your body type and any underlying health issues, results take full effect after 12-24 hours.

Are there any side effects?

While rare, some people do experience cooling of the skin, a tingling sensation, and a possible mineral taste in the mouth: this is all completely normal and safe. These sensations will lessen with regular IV sessions.

Is an IV drip painful?

The needles we use are smaller than in hospitals, and our staff are highly trained to minimise pain.

What should I do after treatment?

After your session, you can go about your day as you would normally. There are no restrictions. We recommend that you exercise, eat healthy meals, stay hydrated, and get enough rest. Alcohol consumption should be moderate.

Who should and shouldn’t do IV drip?

Most people benefit from IV drips. During your consultation, your health needs and goals are taken into account when recommending IV regimens.

Is IV therapy safe?

While in theory all medical treatments carry some safety risks, IV therapy is extremely safe, and VIVID has an excellent track record with supervision by board-certified physicians.

Is IV therapy expensive?

Investing in preventive medicine that keeps you healthy is cost-effective, negating the need for expensive medical procedures further down the line.